You are so soft so fragile, beauty, child of God
Your eyes are wide, and as polished gemstones bright
Yet soft with kindness, trusting and truthfulness
I want to keep you innocent
I want to keep you pure
But the world crawls darkly
With lust, with greed
My own heart is contaminated
My own soul tainted, torn

And the seed is sewn
The seed of your fall is slowly putting forth roots unseen
Insidious roots, fine and delicate,

weaving through your fine and delicate soul


The world should be an embrace for you
It should be a garden with a green lawn and a shady tree
It should be sunshine and a sweet summer breeze

But it will be a dungeon
Cold chains will embrace you
Your angelic form will be a plaything for devils
And your heart will break as they take you
And turn you
And take away the fragile light from your eyes