Chapter 8

The warrior removes her helmet and her golden hair cascades down.

The golden haired young archeress is no other than Asterith of Aratan, scion of the royal house of Dagonclore, and the knight's beloved paramour. He speaks her name, expresses concern and surprise to find her here, yet his delight to see her is clear as they embrace.

The rescuee swallows the disappointment, pained to find confirmed what she had started to expect, that another mortal female had claim on the heart of this knight of Esa.

The pregnant woman finds that she can not long begrudge Asterith, for soon the new arrival turns her attention from her lover to she who he has brought out of the gargers' lair. Asterith supports her with a careful and gentle touch as they make their way out, and speaks to her reassuringly, with kindness and genuine concern.

It is with no little relief that they traverse the cave mouth, the threshold of which is littered with human bones

Asterith ministers to the pregnant woman, having mixed her a potion to ease her labour pain.
Sir Odo charges up on his trusty steed Halring, lassoing the garger on the ridge, and pulling the noose tight around his throat. Meanwhile Asterith has noticed a mass more of them surging up through the rocky vale.